One-stop software shop
The dashboard was designed to consolidate all software and services, allow for indirect communication, and automatically determine future rankings of teams based on collected data. I designed the interface to make it convenient for staff to transfer the skills of their existing workflow.
Here is the structure of the overarching interface:
1. Main Navigation
Staff are able to manage the arrangement of divisions, players, user tickets and every other variable that’s imperative to the running of the league.
2. Secondary Navigation
The secondary navigation narrows down the actions to be performed, arranged in logical chronological order. Here, the structure tab allows a user to manage the upcoming season.
3. Administrator Settings
These variables determine a season’s timeline, format, and the structure of individual divisions— the exact details of which should be altered based on quantity and quality of registrations.
Tag you on the same page
The teams screen displays every registered team and its associated data— with an entry to manually assign them to a division. By default, teams are marked with tags based on their performance in the previous season and/or any alarming behavior that could affect their placement (e.g no-show).
Users have the ability to remove, assign or create brand new tags to convey information to others. Extensive filtering options makes managing teams more convenient.

Detail: Staff manage and assign divisions on the Teams tab

Detail: Viewing the tag management overlay
UX that works hard, so users don't have to
Groups are automatically generated for each division, where each team is labeled and ready for more precise seeding. Handles on every team allow users to intuitively adjust their placement appropriately. An ellipses menu besides each team and matchup opens up for edge case scenarios, such as dropping a team entirely.
A custom dashboard has the benefit of adjusting exactly what information is necessary for this type of event. No more of the bloated data — or lack of thereof — that proprietary sites rigidly conform to.
Your advent calendar
The calendar view is an easy way for staff to track a season’s progress, perfect for a hands-off approach. Since matches are organized between teams independently, it’s necessary to visualize where hiccups have not have been reported by players— lest they cause bigger issues down the line.
Ongoing tickets that pertain to individual matchups are represented by squares. These can be clicked to directly jump to the corresponding issue.

Detail: Imperative dates and a key are found to the left of the calendar
All hands on deck
Much of the work done by staff during a season revolves around answering player-submitted tickets in a timely manner. Tickets you’ve chosen to handle are highlighted at the top of the screen, while filtering options are included in the case of an overwhelming number of open tickets. Sometimes certain issues are more urgent, even if they may not have been submitted first.

Detail: Each ticket is characterized by its associated metadata, a summary of the request, as well as a symbol to represent its urgency/completion
Upping the fidelity
The main focus of this project was to craft the user experience and provide a number of prototypes. That said, I thought it was important for the deliverables to include a high-fidelity design of at least one section. While this isn't the main dashboard users will see when they first enter the application, it's a realistic demonstration of the style and direction.
User testing
There was a lot of back-and-forth between me and the rest of staff to nail down the user flow and necessary features. Prototypes of low fidelity wireframes were made to quickly hand-off realistic interfaces and identify pitfalls.
Lessons learnt
The dashboard is currently under development, meaning there's no hard conclusions to pull from. I did, however, gain valuable insights during the design process:
Creating a custom user-flow for a wholly new product took a lot of advance planning and communication. It was important to nail down the scope of the project beforehand lest it balloon in size to the point of infeasibility for the engineers.
While low-fidelity wireframes are useful for quickly manipulating designs, laymen may struggle to visualize grayscale mockups as the final product. I understood the importance of passing out high-fidelity wireframes to clients outside the industry for them to gain confidence in the UX process.